Dance Artists around the globe are continuing to adapt their lives to the unforeseen circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic, Ataraxia Dance Theatre is curating a series of online mini-digital collectives to promote a creative and healthy platform for dance artists to express themselves and showcase their creative works. Artists who have created works before the pandemic are also welcomed to apply! We understand that this global hardship has displaced many artistic endeavors and we would like to give displaced works an opportunity to be seen.

Throughout the month of September, dance artists across the nation will have the opportunity to submit a 2 to 4 minute work from any performance style of their choice (Contemporary, Modern, Ballet, West African, Hip-Hop, Jazz, etc.). Each piece will undergo a blind adjudication process and 10 choreographers will be selected and notified on October 8th, 2020 if their work has been accepted to be a part of our mini-digital showcase. The mini-showcase will run from October 23rd - 24th, 2020. (Note: All choreographer will receive their adjudication feedback.)

Direct all questions to: [email protected]